Addressing Employee Vaccination, Access to Health Information and Other Emerging HR Issues

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With schools planning for full reopening in September, school districts across the nation are grappling with how to address difficult questions related to employee vaccination and the rights of employees regarding the confidentiality of their health information as it relates to the global pandemic. This webinar provides a review of relevant U.S. Supreme Court case law, recent EEOC guidance, and key considerations for proactively addressing school district HR policies.
Questions addressed include:
Under what conditions may a school district require employees to be vaccinated?
What rights do employees have to refuse vaccination on medical, religious or philosophical grounds?
What obligations do school districts have to accommodate employees who are unwilling or unable to be vaccinated?
What rights do employers have to know health information of their employees, including their vaccination status and the specific health issues that employees may have experienced related to COVID-19?
How has COVID impacted the ways schools operate and the ability of employees to work remotely or otherwise use technology?
In what ways should school districts consider revising their HR policies moving forward?