May 10, 2021

Addressing the Rights of English Language Learners and Plyler v. Doe

Addressing the Rights of English Language Learners and Plyler v. Doe

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This episode of the LEGAL ONE Podcast includes a review of the seminal case on addressing the needs of students who are English Language learners regardless of their citizenship status, in light of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe.  The episode reviews the constitutional protections available to students under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.  The episode includes a discussion of other key developments addressing the legal rights of English Language learners since the Plyler decision, including a review of the rights of such students to access rigorous courses and gifted programs, the right to be protected from hate speech, including recent trends related to Anti-Asian speech, and the right to receive services as needed if an English Language learner also has a disability.  Finally, the podcast includes a discussion about how schools and parents can work together to ensure that the needs of English Language learners are effectively addressed and to ensure that the families of such students are welcomed into the larger school community.