Coordinator of Continuing Legal Education and Research, FEA
Michael F. Kaelber is the Coordinator of Continuing Legal Education and Research for LEGAL ONE at NJPSA/FEA since retiring in July 2017 from his position of Director of Legal and Labor Relations Services Department of the New Jersey School Boards Association. A member of the NJSBA legal staff since March 1988, he previously served as an associate with the Woodbridge, New Jersey law firm of Hutt, Berkow and Jankowski and was a mathematics teacher and coach in the Woodbridge Township school district from 1973 through 1986. He served as staff liaison to several NJSBA committees, co-authored numerous NJSBA publications and was, and continues to be, a frequent presenter on school law issues at programs sponsored by the NJSBA and other educational and legal organizations. Mr. Kaelber is a 1973 graduate of Lafayette College, A.B. Math, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, Rutgers University, M.S. Statistics, 1977 and Rutgers University School of Law, J.D., 1986. He is a recipient of the New Jersey Association of School Attorneys Distinguished Service Award and is a member of the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children Hall of Fame.