Preparing for School Security Issues and Returning to Full In-Person Education in September

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Presenters: David Nash, Esq., Director of Legal Education and Jeff Gale, Director of the Office for School Preparedness and Emergency Planning, NJDOE
Ensuring that all students, staff, parents, and visitors understand and adhere to school security protocols has always been essential, especially in light of the increase in gun violence in recent years. The challenges of school security will be even greater as schools prepare for full scale reopening this Fall, as many students and staff have worked remotely for more than a year, have not had to go through security drills and may be tempted to cut corners that could compromise safety. In addition, schools will be expected to implement a number of new safety protocols that were not in place prior to the pandemic. In this episode, participants will hear about key legal requirements related to school security and receive tips on how to prepare all stakeholders for a safe and secure reopening of schools this Fall.