Protecting Students from Bullying/Discrimination and L.W. v. Toms River

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This episode of the LEGAL ONE Podcast reviews the legal parameters for addressing allegations that students were victims of bullying and/or discrimination in light of the landmark New Jersey Supreme Court decision in L.W. v. Toms River. This includes a review of the legal duty of care owed by school officials to identify, investigate, respond to and prevent bullying incidents. The episode addresses the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to student safety that emphasizes information sharing, ongoing supports and the importance of promoting a positive school climate. The podcast includes an overview of key elements of the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and New Jersey's Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, including a review of the due process rights available to students and parents. Finally, the episode includes a discussion of the importance of schools and parents working together to ensure that all parties understand their rights when allegations of bullying arise.