Simple Strategies to Support Your Social and Emotional Well-Being

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Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Susan Coyle, MA; Middlesex County Traumatic Loss Coalition Coordinator; Kathy Shoemaker, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Rutgers Graduate School of Education
Given the increasing demands placed on educators and school leaders in these unprecedented times, school staff face significant risk of burning out, lashing out or losing empathy for students, parents and colleagues, which in turn can jeopardize employment and create significant potential liability for individuals and school districts. Understanding your own social and emotional needs and engaging in proper self-care is essential for all school staff members. In this episode listeners will learn simple strategies to support their own social and emotional well being.
Key topics to be addressed in this episode include:
- Simple mindfulness techniques that you can use even when you only have a brief period of time available;
- Tips for promoting and implementing mindfulness techniques throughout your school district; and
- Resources to help you ensure consistent implementation of best practices to support social and emotional well-being.