Aug. 23, 2021

Student Free Speech Outside of School in Light of Recent Caselaw

Student Free Speech Outside of School in Light of Recent Caselaw

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Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LL.M., LEGALONE Supervisor of Legal Research & Content Development, and Rose Acerra, Past President & Legislative Chairperson for NJPTA.

On June 23, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court provided clarification regarding students’ off-campus 1st Amendment Free Speech Rights, when it rendered its Decision in the case of MAHANOY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT v. B. L., A MINOR, BY AND THROUGH HER FATHER, LEVY, ET AL., which has also come to be known publicly as “The Cheerleader Case”. This Podcast continues the discussion of the March 2021 LEGALONE Podcast addressing Student Free Speech Rights, by reviewing the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2021 Decision, and noting the change in legal standard from the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals 2020 Decision in this case.