The Meaning of T & E: Focus on School Facilities

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Presenters: David Sciarra, Esq., Executive Director, Education Law Center; Theresa Luhm, Esq., Managing Director, Education Law Center; Steve Morlino, CEFM, LEED AP, School Facilities Management Consultant
In this episode, Education Law Center Executive Director David Sciarra interviews two leading experts on school facilities and the law. Theresa Luhm, Esq., is Managing Director, Education Law Center; and Steve Morlino, CEFM, LEED AP, School Facilities Management Consultant. They discuss the New Jersey Supreme Court's Abbott VII decision and the profound impact it has had and will continue to have for generations to come. In that case, the Court ordered that funding be provided to support renovation and construction of high quality school facilities in the Abbott districts, a decision that has resulted in billions of dollars of funding for school facilities and provided a roadmap for other districts in New Jersey and nationwide to follow.